Sunday, 17 November 2013


Haven't been up to posting lately. Not for lack of things to say, but been busy. Here are cities of which I spent at least one hour in between Oct 19th and Nov 17th (i.e. Today)

London, Mumbai, Dhaka, Jaipur, Agra, Kanpur, Lucknow, Delhi, New Jersey, Fredericton, Sussex, Toronto, Hamilton, Napanee, Ottawa, Saint John, and Halifax.

Here's the total distances below. At 34,000 km total I almost, but not quite, circled the earth (40,000 km). If I ran this same distance at a rate of 20 km/day it would have taken me 4.7 years to complete.

City 1 City 2 Distance (km)
Halifax. London 4631
London Mumbai, 7200
Mumbai, Dhaka, 1891
Dhaka, Mumbai, 1891
Mumbai, Jaipur, 928
Jaipur, Agra, 239
Agra, Kanpur, 278
Kanpur, Lucknow, 83
Lucknow, Delhi, 414
Delhi, Newark 11768 
Newark Halifax 968
Halifax Sussex, 344
Sussex, Fredericton, 118
Fredericton, Sussex, 118
Sussex, Halifax 344
Halifax Toronto, 1265
Toronto, Hamilton, 70
Hamilton, Ottawa, 478
Ottawa, Saint John 753
Saint John Halifax. 206
TOTAL 33987

This was all pretty random, that's for sure. It'd take a while to explain all of it, but it include work, vacation, visitation and death. Opinions and whatnot, I'm sure there will be time eventually.