Thursday, 24 July 2014

Not that skinny

It's weird being normal weight. It feels like everyone who's gained weight assumes everyone else has too. I wear a size small t-shirt, sometimes an extra small. But I'm not small. Body proportion-wise, I'm what a doctor might call "nothing unusual". Mentally it's another story.

Below this is me, my BMI that is. The entire range in which it's existed since the last 10 years.

My height is 5'11", weight ranges between 140 and 155 lbs. I used to weigh about 160 lbs before I ran as much as now, losing about 10 lbs in the process. Now as someone who runs regularly, that's supposed to mean I'm a skinny person. But really I'm not skinny in any clinical sense, just a tiny bit below the absolute middle of the "Normal" range.

But I can understand the misinterpretation. Six in 10 Canadians are well above that mark, so it makes sense standing next to most anyone I look skinny. It's entirely an illusion.

There are underweight runners, but they're easy to spot, and they lose races. Pretty much all track and field athletes are in a rather normal weight range. Don't anyone be afraid they'll get "too skinny" while running.