Tuesday, 31 January 2012

I made a crossword

Well looks like my Achilles still hurts a bit. I did my first pool run yesterday but it won't be my last. Going to take some more time. I never should have gone on that morning run on that faithful day two weeks ago. Sigh. Straw that broke the camel's back, etc.

On the upside I have more time to do other things. For my wedding this summer I I spent a couple days working on a crossword we're gong to give out at the reception. The construction went well enough I decided to make another. If you have nothing better to do, try and solve it. It's not running themed or anything. I might try that next.

Update: I'd like to congratulate Vishya and Janice on completing the crossword. Nice job. For my next crossword, I'll try something themed. That may take some time. Also online-fillable. 

For now... Solutions